Say n Sing Korean!

Archive for the ‘Food’ Category

Hello people!


How was the kimbap?

Before continuing our post, I would like to tell you a news: from now on, we’ll have a special guest in this blog! Pandorim!


me: Tell us more about you, Pandorim! 

Pandorim: Hi! I looove KPop and Korean dramas! Then, I decided to learn Korean! ;) I want to be a Pop star!

me: It’s a pleasure to have you here as my special guest!

P: Me too! Let’s start now!


Well, as I said in the last post, today we’ll talk about other Korean foods!

P: Yes! I really like Japtche!


잡채 [jap-tche]

It’s stir-fried noodles with vegetables and meat!

Fresh, light and..

P: Delicious!

me: thank you!


You can see how to make it through these sites!

Hope you like it! :P


Well, this is for today! Thank You!

Tell us a food that you want to know more about!


Have a great day!

See you!

안녕 people!

Have you watched the last episode of “Protect the Boss“? ahhhhh.. so sad it has ended.. T_T

This soap opera was one of the best I’ve ever seen! :)

The characters were funny and cute (Jiwon’s father was awesome! kkkk!) and the story had comic details that made it fresher than the other-romantic-comedy-soap-operas (in those, the rivals or parents were so selfish and bad, turning the characters’ life so difficult and suffered.. but, in this one ChaMooWon and SeoNaYoon were ingenuous and super-funny!)

Here are some photos of the characters! :D

(more of them at!/SBS_BOSS/media/slideshow?

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In this photo you can see a lot of korean foods like: 김밥, 잡채 (JaeJoong is picking this one), etc.! Let’s learn more about them and how to make them in this and next posts!

We could start with the 김밥!

김밥 [kim-bap] 

It’s Korean sushi rolls!

Delicious and practical to take out in the 도시락 ([do-shi-rak]  It’s like the Japanese bentô. You can put your lunch in a bowl and take it for your school, work, picnic, etc.)!

Basically, it’s made of white Asian rice and other ingredients that you can choose, like bulgogui (Korean barbecue), crab sticks, ham, sausage, carrots, spinach, eggs, etc! Be creative and make your own 김밥!

How to make it? You can see the ingredients and the procedure to make it in these 2 videos of Youtube:

Hope you enjoy the kim-bap!

Next post I’m going to talk more about the other Korean foods!

See you!

Say n Sing Korean

Follow @saynsingkr
